Itamar wishes you Eid Mubarak 1441h!
May Allah shower His blessings on us.
We’ll be back with the best Italian marbles in Jakarta at 1st June, 2020!
Happy holidays and see you again soon!
Itamar wishes you Eid Mubarak 1441h!
May Allah shower His blessings on us.
We’ll be back with the best Italian marbles in Jakarta at 1st June, 2020!
Happy holidays and see you again soon!
Kabar gembira dari Itamar!
Untuk mendukung lebih lanjut inisiatif PSBB dari pemerintah, kami menghadirkan untuk anda DISKON pembelian marmer sebagai berikut:
– Untuk pembelian dan pemasangan meja marmer dan granit, DISKON khusus dan GRATIS ongkos kirim untuk wilayah Jakarta
– Untuk pembelian marmer dan granit per lembar / slab, DISKON khusus harga marmer dan granit
Diskon-diskon di atas berlaku dengan menunjukkan postingan ini kepada staf kami sampai dengan 30 Juni 2020
Tunggu apa lagi? Pesan marmer Itamar secara online sekarang juga! Hanya di:
WA: 0878 7079 8976
#dirumahaja #belimarmeronline
Dearest customers,
To support the Indonesian Government’s PSBB initiative to curb the spead of COVID-19, we would like to inform you to:
1. Contact us first before making a visit to our showroom in Puri Indah, West Jakarta. This helps us to avoid heavy customer flow at all times.
You can contact us by phone or WhatsApp: 0878 7079 8976
2. Only bring a maximum of 3 people in your party during a visit to our showroom.
3. Wear a mask when visiting our showroom.
Thus we convey this guideline so that we can guard the safety of all visitors and prevent the transmission of the COVID-19 virus,
Thank you for your cooperation!
Itamar remains open to provide you with the best Italian marble; let’s take care of our health and safety together!